A Night in Brooklyn!

Saturday night after the bubble fight, I went to Brooklyn to meet up with a few friends. We planned to have a night of bar hopping. We started out at a place called Brooklyn Surf Bar. When you first walk up to the place you are greeted by a lot of decorative lights and a grassy awning, and as soon as you walk into the place you are literally walking on a floor coated with sand. It takes only a few seconds till you really don't feel like you're in Brooklyn surrounded by cement buildings anymore. They have really great strawberry Mojitos, which is what I sipped on there. Delicious! It had actual chunks of strawberries in it to eat. Yummy. We ate there and everyone was happy with their food, I just had a salad and some fries because I wasn't feeling quite hungry but I didn't want to drink on a empty stomach. Both of which were really delicious! After that we went to a place called Union Pool, absolutely fun and cool vibe. There's a lot of space inside and out back, where we spent most of our time. It has a outside deck and fountain in the middle of it. It's a perfect hang out on a summer night, we only stayed for a few drinks but it really is a fun place to go with friends. We carried on with our bar ventures and then headed to Royal Oak(pictured above) which I loved the decor for, very intimate leather seating spread out among 3 rooms. The bartenders were quick and friendly even though there were a lot of people there. There's also a foosball table in the second room! Alligator Lounge was the next stop and the great aspect of this place is with every drink you get a free pizza ticket. They serve brick oven cooked pizzas till 3:30 am absolutely free with your drinks. So you can save your pizza tickets for another night if you'd like even! It's a great deal and an awesome way to end the night if you're feeling hungry and already spent a lot on drinks. I had a great night, and if you're bored with your usual spots and want to switch it up I suggest trying any or all of these places. They're certainly not a let down.
