A day well spent...

I finally went to Madame Tussauds. It was so much fun, my boyfriend and I went. It was so eerie how real they looked, sometimes we couldn't tell which ones were wax figures or real people standing in the room. Robin Williams was my favorite, he looked so real that it almost felt uncomfortable to stare at his face. I really wanted to take a picture with Jack Sparrow because I have a ridiculous obsession with him but they had him roped off. He was the only figure you had to pay to take a picture with. I had a major sad face when that happened. That was not going to ruin my day though! After that, we went to the Bubble Battle in Times Square and it was so amazing. I had the biggest cheesy grin on my face the whole time it was so much fun, it made me feel like a kid again. Me and Ryan bought a giant jug of bubbles and a super big wand that made what we called 'bubble bombs'. The wand made globe sized bubbles and they'd pop on peoples heads, it was so funny. It was so beautiful and fun for such a large group of people to get together and just be light hearted and free spirited on a perfect summer day. Everyone was having so much fun we stayed there for about an hour and a half just making bubbles and meeting new people. It was such a great day. I actually ran into Gala in Toys 'R Us, I was glad to see her! All in all it was a perfect day and I hope those of you that came had an amazing time! I have a few new bars and restaurants to tell you guys about that I went to in Brooklyn last night but I'll save that for tomorrow. Have a great night loveys.


Persephone said...

Found your site through gala's. You went to the bubble battle too! I'm jealous! Looks like fun.

DH said...

Hey Persephone,

Yes it was so much fun! Don't be jealous there will be plenty more fun opportunities this summer. Start your own bubble battle! All you need is a bunch of bubbles and a lot of good friends.

Love Love,

Gala Darling said...

You're so cute! It was lovely to meet you, & such a surprise! xx

DH said...

Hey Gala, It was awesome to meet you too and totally unexpected! You're super sweet. I hope to see you around soon!

Love Love,