Newest Paintings Listed on Etsy...

This painting was obviously inspired by Snow White. I've been doing a fairy tale series inspired by my favorite childhood damsels. This one I wanted to integrate some collage work into. Sometimes I feel that just paint is a little boring and some other types of media worked into it make things a little more interesting.

This Painting I've absolutely fell in love with I wish I could keep it but I already listed it so I will have to say goodbye. I'm really going to hate to see this one go. I was doing a non-objective expressionistic piece and it turned into a lotus and oh yeah I love it so much. It's so so pretty and I had so much fun making it. I love doing non-objectives it's so fun to see what they turn into at the end. This was just a bunch of blobs all over the paper at first. Insane.

What do you guys do that's creative on your free time? I'd love to see some of the other talent from NY. Even if you're not from NY heck send it anyway! I love seeing other peoples work, it's amazing how different peoples styles can be especially on the same subject matter.

Okay, back to painting! If you want to buy either of these you can click on my Etsy items on the left side it'll take you straight to my shop :)

Love Love,