Fashion No No...

Today as I was parading around campus during my downtime, this girl walked by me and I am not one to judge but I couldn't help noticing this crazy teeter tottering horrible fashion disaster. Heels with a backpack. What the heck! Her outfit was cute otherwise but the extra weight was throwing her into a wobble. It was extremely packed out and it was making her hunched and completely contradicting what heels do for your walk and posture. Heels make you walk with graceful long sexy strides, and straight posture. Backpacks make you hunch and put your balance off and frankly make you look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. Backpacks are actually horrible for your back and posture. So in response to this, I compiled a list of things that work for me, that you can do to lug those books around without having to sacrifice your style.

- Bring only the books for the class you have next and leave the rest in the car.
- Get a locker. ( Most colleges have them for students with art classes.)
- Take advantage of the oversized bag trend, or purchase a stylish tote and stuff them in there.
- If you know you're not going to need your text just bring a notebook and pen.




Go nuts and buy something that really screams your individual style.
