As you all might have already known...

I've always had a fascination with Andy Warhol, since I was about 12. But,I just wanted to share this and blurt this out because I think it's extremely amazing and it makes me happy in a strange sense I can't explain. I've always had this huge strong attraction to Union Square, I've always brought my sketchbook there and always drawn out inspiration from sitting there and watching my surroundings. But I found out that Andy Warhol's studio after he had the factory was at 33 Union Square West! I always find these funny little things in life, things are a lot more connected in ways you sometimes might never get to realize. Like they say, things are never by coincidence. I believe that, and I just felt truly inspired and amazed by this. I've always had such a intense pull to Union Square and I love knowing this little fact that this is where he looked out his studio window and painted some of his greatest pieces. Little things like this can make my day.


Brent Michael Canle said...

I did not know. Get back into my life you little fruit from the tree of knowledge